Which book should I write next? (take 2)

Which book should I write next? (take 2)

Alright… let’s try this again. Apologies that the poll wasn’t showing up when I tried to post this yesterday. I’m trying SurveyMonkey instead of the “quick and easy” option in WordPress.

I’m wondering if readers of this blog (Both of you? Mom?) might help me decide which book I should write next.

I’ve been busy early this summer with academic writing, but I’m shifting gears now to work on a book that would be for anyone: pastors, plumbers, parents. Here are the options. All titles are tentative. And I don’t promise to follow your advice. But I do appreciate it.

Vote via the poll at the end (that is, if it works this time. If not, just post a comment).

Walk Humbly: Micah 6:8 as a Guide to Faithful Living
As I have returned to Micah 6:8 over the years, I have come to see it as a much-needed means of recalibrating my misguided priorities, reminding me of what God has “shown,” and providing a prophetic alternative to the cultural and political extremes that threaten to squeeze the church into their misshapen molds. But what does it mean to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?

Jesus Preaching: Sermons and the Son of God
Jesus preached. But his sermons are unlike ours. As a companion text for preaching classes, or a guide to pastors, the book explores how we can better proclaim the gospel of King Jesus by learning from his sermons and his unique approach to preaching.

Food God: Meals as means of Grace
In Scripture, meals are often how God displays his love and truth, even as their misuse marks key moments of human sinfulness. Designed to be discussed around a table, this book explores how breaking bread can still point us to Christ and his uncommon flesh-and-blood community.

Thanks for the help. (Survey Monkey link below.)

Which book should I write next?

(Thanks for the comments as well. It’s great to hear your feedback!)

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And see here for my own books.